HARDOX®- a part of your success! HARDOX wear plate is the obvious choice for applications in which wear had previously often given rise to problems
Greco-Enfil is company specialized in designing, manufacturing, and assembling thermoindustrial equipment.
Greco-Enfil,was created from the association between two companies:
C.Greco & Enfil.
Industrial Burners Hot Gas Generators
Ebara Hamada Blower Co., Ltd. is the largest company in Japan producing general industry fans and blowers, conducting the entire process, from sales and design to manufacture.
Turbo Fans and Blower, Multi-Blade Fans, Radial Fans Axial Fans, 3D-Blade Fans and Blowers, Multistage Blowers
ISL are an internationally renowned company with over 30 years experience in the design, manufacture and installation of equipment to solve Acoustic, Vibration and Thermal Expansion problems
Anti Vibration Mounts,
Expansion Joints,
Flexible Connectors,
Acoustic Products.
The company began in 1958 and set outto explore opportunities for fluorocarbon polymers, especially polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
Filtration Products provide optimum performance for the chemicals, metals, minerals, and energy industries in the form of low pressure drop, near zero emissions, and consistent flow rates.